I’m a committed Mac & iOS user. I like the seamless integration and generally they look after themselves by way of updates etc.
Getting astronomy software for the Mac can be difficult. Up until now I have managed OK but I really like the AllSkEye software for driving my All Sky Camera. It has lots of features and even includes a meteor detection option. Its Windows only though.
Looking around I was attracted to the mini-PCs now available, especially on Amazon who frequently have promotions on certain models. They’re Chinese which I didnt want to buy, but then a lot of my Apple products are made there too. I took the plunge and bought an AWOW mini-PC for £179 inc. a 128GB SSD & Windows 10 home. Delivered next day and set up within an hour. Its amazing! I access it via VNC Viewer from my Mac and so it doesnt need a display/mouse/keyboard. It runs off 12V so can easily go on field trips.