Star Parties are a great opportunity to meet other astronomers and hopefully (weather permitting!), do some observing under darker skies than most of us have to put up with at home.

Many events have organised talks from professional astronomers, authors, etc and vendors are often there to show off the latest in telescopes and essential accessories

I thoroughly recommend that beginners and experienced amateurs alike attend one of the larger star parties at least once. It’s the best chance you’ll ever have of seeing a big range of equipment and people who are using it. If you’re not into camping then just visit for a day and evening. 

Below are a few comments on the Star Parties I have so far been able to attend.....

In the UK

The biggest are the Spring and Autumn Eqinox Star Parties held at Kelling Heath Holiday Park on the North coast of Norfolk. Skies are quite dark, facilities excellent but of course weather can be variable! It’s not all astronomy too - the photo top left is some of the ladies have a very civilised tea and cake party!

A new venue is Haw Wood Farm, which holds astronomy focussed camps twice a year. Skies are dark and facilities of excellent standards.

The Kielder Forest Star Camp is held at a truly dark site just south of the England/Scotland border. A good campsite (if its not raining!) with adequate facilities.

Here is a good list of UK Star Parties.

USA Star Parties

The Texas Star Party has got to be one of the greatest and most famous of its kind. High up in the Davis Mountains far away from lights it is a good event, not just for the skies but for the people, the locality and the talks. They attract some remarkable evening speakers. I started going in 2000 and made 20 consecutive visits until Covid and carbon footprints intervened. 

Also shown is my favourite means of getting from the airport to the ranch - a Mustang convertible! There is quite a lot of wildlife at the ranch too - horses, havelinas, birds and skunks, (they arent actually a problem and are really beautiful).

The Winter Star Party is held at the bottom of the Florida Keys and hence presents a good slice of the southern skies (down to -66 degrees declination!). Seeing is generally regarded as being outstanding, which more than makes up for the small amount of light pollution. The horizon due South was looking out over the sea! Photo bottom left gives you some idea of this fantastic setting.

© AstroKeith 2024