eFinder Gallery

ASI120MM-S camera and 50mm cctv lens

IMG 4678

USB to TTL lead (comes ready to plug into the Pi) Makre sure it uses the PL2302 chipset

Raspberry Pi in a standard Pi case, with Nexus DSC USB lead plugged in

IMG 4970

OLED display mounted in a small plastic box. A 5 way navigation switch is used to control all functions.

The ScopeDog style handbox style can also be used.

Internal view.

A screenshot of the GUI interface (accessed via VNC from a computer or tablet)

Below the new 5” AMOLED display

Below the new AMOLED display built into a box with the eFinder RaspberryPi. The hand box can still be used as a remotedisplay and control.

Below is the new eFinder ‘Lite’. Everything integrated into just one box with a single cable to the Nexus DSC USB port (for data and power)

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