DIY instructions to build your own Dobsonian Scope Drive.
Scopedog was developed by two amateur astronomers, Craig & Keith (me!). A few more were built for friends in the UK and they have been used for a few years now. Scopes range from a 10” to a 24”. Over the years improvements and enhancements have been made.
In 2022 we made the decision to make the design available to anyone who wanted it for their own use. During Covid lockdown the hardware and firmware had undergone a complete refresh. Using newer versions of the original electonics modules, the control box got both smaller and easier to build.
Key features:
- Proven on 10" - 24” dobs
- Drives any bipolar stepper motors up to 4A per winding.
- Microstep drive
- Typical slew speeds up to 6 deg/sec
- Microstep size less 0.5 arc seconds
- shortcircuit protection
- Works alongside the Nexus DSC (and the latest pro version)
- User settings programmable via wifi or ethernet.
- Motor current (0.5A is typical)
- Slew, move & centre speeds
- Drive geometry
- Built-in wifi, ethernet and USB
- Flexible set-up to suit most drive principles
- Altitude rockers on rollers
- Wire and capstan
- Toothed belt
- Includes an optional built-in digital finder - just plug a camera into ScopeDog and it plate-solves and adjusts scope pointing to an arc minute.
The design is being made available for personal use by amateur astronomers. It is offered without warranty, guarantees or liability.
The control software is made available for a small donation. Email for details.
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Using a Digital eFinder with ScopeDog