2020 Autumn Kelling

What a bad week, from a weather point of view. Really only one good night (Tuesday). Weather forecasts were all over the place and often gave false hope!

Good to see a large turn out though with perhaps 75% of pitches taken.

The rebuilt scope worked very well - much stiffer in winds. Pointing and tracking accuracy was excellent too. It was much easier to pack into the car, and I had room this time for my wife to come along. The new observing steps/chair was brilliant. Being comfortable while observing is so important - allows longer and more relaxed views of objects, which leads to better acuity and sensitivity.

I've taken to hiring a caravan recently. Makes the event so much more pleasurable, especially when cold and wet. I have it delivered and collected from the site. (Mustangs cant tow!)

Lets hope Winterfest in November is better. (edit - it was cancelled due to Covid lockdown, and it was cloudy all week as well)

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© AstroKeith 2022